| 15-354 Białystok, ul. Pogodna 22 |
| +48 85 749 72 00 |
| sekretariat@wup.wrotapodlasia.pl |
| wupbialystok.praca.gov.pl |

Regional Employment Office in Białystok is the professional performer of the labour market policy, effectively inspiring partners at joint actions for the purpose of employment promotion, mitigation of unemployment negative effects and human resource development for the improvement of the situation in the regional labour market. We cooperate with 14 local labour offices within the region and many other institution and labour market stakeholders. Since 2018 r. we have started supporting projects focused on creating places of pre-school education (in rural areas in particular) and increasing high quality and attractiveness of existing pre-school institutions, within Regional Operational Programme of Podlaskie Voivodeship 2014-2020. During the time of crisis caused by pandemic, we support employers to protect work places, subsidizing part of employee remuneration costs and social security contributions in companies, which suffered from significand drop of income.