| 15-740 Białystok, ul. Antoniukowska 7 |
| +48 85 652 56 45 |
| biuro@iph.bialystok.pl |
| iph.bialystok.pl podlaskiecam.pl |

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Białystok is a regional self-governing economic organisation operating and affiliating economic entities in the north-east of Poland.
It is an open organisation which affiliates small, medium and large companies doing business in the sphere of production, trade and services. The differentiation of the activity profiles of the affiliated entities allows for a direct analysis of economic issues in the macroregion. Representing the business community, the Chamber has an active voice in economic matters, acting in the interests of its affiliated companies.
The main activities of the Chamber include:
► connecting business partners on national and international markets
► promoting companies and building a positive image of entrepreneurs
► organising meetings, conferences, seminars, business training and trade missions
► offering conciliatory methods for resolving business disputes through arbitration and mediation
► publishing the economic magazine 'Podlaski Manager'