| 15-472 Białystok, ul. Ciepła 40 |
| +48 85 678 58 23 |
| kancelaria.rektora@wsfiz.edu.pl |
| wans.edu.pl |

The University of Bialystok is the largest university in northeastern Poland, providing education in social sciences, humanities, mathematics and natural sciences. It has 9 faculties, including four with "A" category and 5 institutes. Nearly 10.5 thousand students, PhD students and post-graduate students study at the University. The University of Bialystok places emphasis on the commercialisation of science, adapting its activities to market needs. The goal of the Expert Centre of the University of Bialystok is to ensure conditions for dissemination and commercialisation of knowledge, including the results of scientific research and development works. The University's Consultative Council, which includes representatives of the business sector, supports the University of Bialystok in adapting its educational offer to the needs of the labour market. The University has a modern infrastructure for conducting specialised research, also commissioned by companies. The campus houses the University Computing Centre, which also provides services for external entities. Among others, the following facilities operate at the University of Bialystok: National Centre of Magnetic Nanostructures for application in Spin Electronics, SPINLAB, BioNanoTechno Synthesis and Analysis Centre, Laboratory of Applied Microbiology.