| 15-441 Białystok, ul. Spółdzielcza 8 |
| +48 85 653 77 00 |
| fundacja@bfkk.pl |
| bfkk.pl |

For 25 years The Białystok Foundation of Professional Training (BFKK) has been implementing educational and developmental projects. BFKK's mission is to adjust the competences of the population to the changing needs of employers. The foundation fulfils its mission through activities aimed at identifying and spreading knowledge about the employers' requirements in terms of current and future demand employee competences. The foundation supports educational institutions in adjusting their educational offer to the competence needs of employers. BFKK also conducts its own educational activities, especially in terms of developing practical management competencies. The foundation's educational projects are aimed at young people, adults, people facing disadvantages in the labour market, local administration, and entrepreneurs and focus on improving the competencies of staff and increasing competitiveness. BFKK has implemented over 50 projects involving tens of thousands of people, including 12 transnational projects with partners from Germany, Italy, Spain, France, Portugal, England, Norway, Lithuania, Ukraine, Belarus.