TOCK-AUTOMATYKA Krzysztof Toczydłowski | |
15-384 Białystok, ul. E. Kisiela 28 | |
+48 85 661 61 21 | |
biuro@tock.pl | |
www.tock.pl |

Activity started in 1993 year on the whole of Poland. Engineering company in fields: optoelectronic and inductive measuring devices for machine tools, developing and manufacturing milling and turning CNC (Sinumerik 828D/840D sl) machining centres to education and workshops applications and innovative education system EXPERT CNCFMS for true practice training in CNC and robotics. TOCK-AUTOMATYKA in above activities at the forefront of domestic market. We offering originally own products (CNC machine tools, EXPERT CNC-FMS) and officially represented companies as TELA (Slovenia), AMO (Austria), SIEMENS (Germany) and INTELITEK/LMC (USA). We provide newest engineering solutions and technologies adapted to the most effective applications in national industry and technical education.
Linear scales, rotary encoders digital
readouts to tool machines
Light milling and turning CNC machine
tools (Sinumerik 828D/840D sl
+ Sinamics S120 - Siemens)
Education robots (Intelitek)
Education system EXPERT CNC-FMS
Delivery, installation assembly, service
and engineering support in field
of linear scales and rotary encoders
to machines (ISKRA/TELA, AMO))
Selection of interchangeable linear scales
and rotary encoder other manufacturers
Design and manufacture of light
CNC machine turning and milling centres
Design and delivery of complete
EXPERT CNC-FMS training systems
The best solutions in newest technologies