BLS Błażej Sulich | |
07-100 Węgrów, ul. Kościuszki 159 15-521 Zaścianki, ul. Szosa Baranowicka 60 A |
+48663 723 814, +48 500 032 146 | |
magdalena.sulichrec@gmail.com wegrow.sulichrec@gmail.com |
sulichrec.pl |

The main area of our activities is the wholesale and retail purchase of steel scrap and non-ferrous metals in the Mazowieckie and Podlaskie voivodships. We are successively expanding client portfolio o clients from all over Poland and abroad. We provide comprehensive services in the field of demolition, disassembly, substituting containers and collecting scrap from both production companies and individual customers. A team of experienced employees of our company watches over maintaining the highest level of services. Many years of experience and a strong position on the domestic and international market in the scrap trade inspire us to constantly develop and meet the needs of customers. Our scrap purchase offer includes about 100 assortment items, valued based on the international LME / PWC / EUWID indices
Purchase of scrap steel and non-ferrous metals
Waste consulting