STG sp. z o.o. sp.k. | |
85-758 Bydgoszcz, ul. Przemysłowa 34 | |
52 322 31 61 | |
biuro@szatkowski.pl | |
szatkowski.pl |

STG (Szatkowski Technological Group) has been providing products and services in the anti-corrosion industry since 1995. The most important production profile are pneumatic blasting rooms. The company also offers spray metallization chambers and devices and implements entire technological lines also including industrial paint shops. In addition, it provides its clients with all the necessary anti-corrosion equipment, provides comprehensive and professional maintenance for the equipment, and provides anticorrosion services - steel / glass beads / soda blasting, electric arc spray metallization, wet painting. High quality and modernity of the solutions provided is a priority for all departments of the STG company and customer satisfaction is the primary goal of the business.
Blasting chambers
Shot blasting machines
Abrasive recirculation
and dust collection systems
Painting and metallization booths
Mobile and cabin sandblasters
Metallization equipment
Painting aggregates
Measuring devices
Accessories and equipment
for anti-corrosion
Maintenance and modernization of devices