SAMASZ Sp. z o.o. | |
16-060 Zabłudów, ul. Trawiasta 1 | |
+48 85 664 70 31 | |
samasz@samasz.pl | |
www.samasz.pl |

The SaMASZ company, established in 1984, is currently the biggest Polish manufacturer and one of the leading European manufacturers of farming and municipal machinery, as well as snow ploughs. The factory offer more than 300 different types of machines: drum mowers, disc mowers, tedders, rakes, mixer feeders, flail mowers, extension arms, snow ploughs. The dealer network consists of more than 50 companies in Poland and 50 abroad. Company has two foreign companies: SaMASZ Rosja i SaMASZ North America LLC. In 2015, SaMASZ set the Guiness World Record, using a set comprising 3 disc mowers, within 8 hours time, managed to mow an area of 96,2 ha.
Hay handling equipment
Mixer feeders
Flail mowers
Summer municipal machines
Winter municipal machines
The company has implemented the Lean Manufacturing philosophy and makes use of state-of-the art tools in the ERP system in the scope of trade, production and logistics. SaMASZ owns modern machinery and technological park for the production of farming and municipal machines and cooperation (CNC, turning, milling, grinding, screwing, pressing, bending, welding, machining and powder coating) at its disposal.