HART-TECH spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością | |
92-320 Łódź, ul. Niciarniana 45 | |
+48 42 237 17 42 | |
biuro@hart-tech.pl | |
www.hart-tech.pl |

Hart-Tech is a modern company operating in the field of advanced heat treatment and thermo-chemical treatment technologies. We have devices that enable the implementation of processes according to the latest technologies- conventional and vacuum alike. We also offer services in the field of manufacturing hardened surface layers on machine parts and tools with the use of innovative material and technological solutions. The equipment we have allows for selection of the most favorable processing parameters for the specificity of metal products. The technologies we use have been developed at the Lodz University of Technology with the participation of our scientists.
Vacuum Hardening
FINECARB® Vacuum Carburing
PRENITLPC® Vacuum Carburing
Age Hardening Precipitation Hardening
Vacuum Brazing
Gas Sulphonitriding
Gas Nitriding
The basis of our activity are FineCarb® and PreNitLPC® technologies, protected by both Polish and foreign patents. Their co-creators are our scientists working at the Institute of Material Science and Engineering of the Lodz University of Technology, who are also shareholders of the company.